
国内初 超高層ビル屋上でサボニウス式風車による風力発電の実証実験着手~市街地における新たな創エネルギー技術の発展・普及に向けて~


< 本リリースのポイント >
■限られたスペースで設置可能、全方位の風から発電可能、低騒音・低振動などの特徴を持つ実証機を2025 年4月より横浜三井ビルディング屋上に設置予定
■大成建設株式会社、株式会社チャレナジー、三井不動産株式会社の 3 社は、新たな創エネルギー技術としてサボニウス式風車の技術開発を通じて、市街地での建物のZEB化、災害時のBCP対応などへの貢献を目指す

 大成建設株式会社(代表取締役社長:相川善郎、以下「大成建設」)および株式会社チャレナジー(代表取締役 CEO:清水敦史、以下「チャレナジー」)は、三井不動産株式会社(代表取締役社長:植田俊、以下「三井不動産」)の協力のもと、2025年4月より超高層ビル屋上においては国内初となる、垂直軸型サボニウス式風車(以下「サボニウス式風車」、写真1参照)による、風力発電の実証実験に着手します。また、3社は技術のさらなる発展・普及に向けて、本実証実験に関する協定を締結いたしました。



 実証実験で用いるサボニウス式風車は、市街地に適した特長を有しており、本実証実験では、風量や発電量などの取得データを更なる技術発展に活かすとともに、設置時における課題・要件を明確化することを目的としています。大成建設、チャレナジー、三井不動産の 3 社は、新たな創エネルギー技術としてサボニウス式風車の技術開発を通じて、市街地での建物のZEB化、災害時のBCP対応などに貢献してまいります。


垂直軸で回転するサボニウス式風車は、太陽光発電装置やプロペラ式風車と比較し、設置に必要な面積が小さく、装置本体を3㎡程度の限られたスペースに安全に設置することが可能です(※)。装置の本体構造を工夫して軽量化を図ることで総重量を 290kg に抑え、かつ分割可能な構造とすることで重機を使わずに組立が可能で、設置場所を容易に選定できます。

夜間・悪天候時の太陽光発電や風向が一定でない場合のプロペラ式風車など、従来では発電が困難であった条件下においても、サボニウス式風車は安定した発電を行うことが可能です。風向の変化や弱風にも対応し、全方位から風を受けて 24 時間連続して発電でき、また悪天候時にも風車を適切に制御することで継続して発電することが可能です。




実証期間2025 年4月~2026年3月(予定)
実証内容横浜三井ビルディング(地上30階、地下2階、塔屋3階 高さ152.20m)の屋上へ設置し、非常用電源として活用検討








Press Release

Japan’s First Demonstration Experiment of Wind Power Generation Using Savonius Wind Turbines on a High-Rise Building Rooftop Begins:  Advancing and Promoting New Energy Generation Technologies in Urban Areas

October 23, 2024

< Key Points of This News Release >
■ Start of Japan’s first demonstration experiment of wind power generation on a high-rise building using Savonius wind turbines  – A new energy generation technology suitable for urban areas
■ Scheduled for installation on the rooftop of Yokohama Mitsui Building from April 2025: Demonstration units featuring characteristics such as easy installation in limited spaces, power generation with wind from all directions, low noise, and low vibration.
■ Three companies— Taisei Corporation, Challenergy Inc., and Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd., aim to contribute to the development of Zero Energy Buildings (ZEB)  in urban areas and enhance Business Continuity Planning (BCP)  during disasters through the development of this Savonius wind turbine as a new power generation technology.

Taisei Corporation (President: Yoshio Aikawa, hereinafter “Taisei”), and Challenergy Inc. (CEO: Atsushi Shimizu, hereinafter “Challenergy”), with the cooperation of Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. (President: Toshio Ueda, hereinafter “Mitsui Fudosan”), will commence Japan’s first demonstration experiment of wind power generation using vertical-axis Savonius wind turbines (hereinafter “Savonius wind turbines”, see Photo 1) on the rooftop of a high-rise building from April 2025. Furthermore, the three companies have also signed an agreement regarding this demonstration experiment to further develop and spread this technology.

Recently, the adoption of solar power generation has been advancing as part of the utilization of renewable energy for zero-emission buildings. However, wind power generation is also being explored as an additional renewable energy technology . On the other hand, conventional horizontal-axis propeller wind turbines (hereinafter “propeller wind turbines”) present issues such as noise, vibration from the generator , the requirement for a large installation area, and inefficient power generation unless the wind speed and direction remain stable. These issues need to be resolved to install small propeller wind turbines on rooftops in urban areas.

Therefore, Taisei, Challenergy, and Mitsui Fudosan have decided to install a demonstration unit of  a Savonius wind turbine, which is gaining attention as a new wind power generation technology forurban areas, on the rooftop of the Yokohama Mitsui Building (see Photo 2), marking Japan’s first demonstration experiment of wind power generation on a high-rise building.

The Savonius wind turbine used in the demonstration experiment has characteristics suitable for urban areas. This demonstration experiment aims to utilize the data obtained, such as wind speed and power generation, for further technological development, and to clarify the challenges and requirements during installation. The three companies, Taisei, Challenergy, and Mitsui Fudosan, aim to contribute to the development of ZEB in urban areas and enhance BCP during disasters through the development of this Savonius wind turbine as a new power generation technology.

Characteristics of our Savonius Wind Turbine

(1) Small installation area and lightweight, making site selection and assembly easy

Our Savonius wind turbine, which rotates on a vertical axis, requires a smaller installation area compared to solar power generation equipment and propeller wind turbines. It can be safely installed in a limited space of about 3 square meters (*). By designing the main structure  with weight reduction in mind, the total weight was kept to 290 kg. Additionally,, the structure can be divided, allowing assembly without heavy machinery, which simplifies site selection.

(2) Capable of  continuously generating power 24 hours a day from wind in all directions, even in adverse weather conditions

Our Savonius wind turbine can generate stable power even under conditions where power generation is difficult with conventional methods, such as during nighttime, bad weather, or when the wind direction is not constant. It can operate under varying  wind directions and weak winds,  continuously generating power 24 hours a day from wind in all directions. Additionally, by appropriately controlling the wind turbine, it can continue generating power even in adverse weather conditions .

(3) Low noise and low vibration, avoiding bird strikes

Our Savonius wind turbine is structurally less likely to generate noise, and the vibration from its generator is also minimized. This eliminates the noise and vibration concerns associated with conventional propeller wind turbines, making it possible to install it in urban areas such as building rooftops. Additionally, compared to propeller wind turbines, it is more visible to birds, making bird strikes very unlikely.

* Solar power generation requires a large rooftop or wall area for panel installation. Conventional propeller wind turbines require a large installation area to avoid contact with people or animals due to the large rotation radius of the blades.

■ Demonstration Experiment Details

Demonstration Unit SpecificationsVertical-axis Savonius wind turbine
Demonstration PeriodApril 2025 to March 2026 (planned)
Demonstration DetailsInstallation on the rooftop of Yokohama Mitsui Building (30 floors above ground, 2 floors underground, 3 penthouse floors, height: 152.20m) with consideration for use as an emergency power source
Installation LocationYokohama Mitsui Building (Address: 1-1-2 Takashima, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture)

Challenergy Inc. Company Overview

Following the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011, Challenergy focused on Japan’s energy issues and has been developing next-generation wind turbines suitable for Japan’s harsh weather conditions. Challenergy is committed to its mission of “Bringing innovation to wind power generation and supplying safe and secure energy to all mankind.” 
