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A next generation wind turbine that
even typhoons into energy

Vertical Axis Magnus-type
Wind Turbine



No blades, so it’s safe.
No blades, so it’s quiet.
No blades, so it’s hard to break.
No blades, so it’s bird-friendly.

A “bladeless wind turbine” was created to solve the problems
of conventional horizontal axis wind turbines.


Independent of wind direction and
resistant to strong winds.
The world’s first wind power
generation technology of this type.

Conventional horizontal axis wind turbines must be aligned with the direction of the
wind to generate power and reduce the risk of damage.

Their high-speed rotating blades also generate noise, run out of control in strong
winds, and are prone to bird strikes, where birds collide with them.

The vertical axis Magnus wind turbine is unaffected by changes in wind direction.

Additionally, it is a quieter, less likely to run out of control during high winds, and
bird-friendly wind turbine because of its low rotation speed.
  • Withstandable wind speed


    A structure capable of withstanding strong winds equivalent to those of powerful typhoons, that may cause trees to fall or houses to collapse.

  • Noise level


    The same level as that of a household air conditioner or a ventilation fan. The structure is designed to minimize unpleasant wind noise.

    ※Measured at a distance of 25 m from the wind turbine at a wind speed of 8 m/s.

  • Rated output


    Power generation at a wind speed of 11 m/s

"What is the Magnus Effect?

It is a physical phenomenon in which when a rotating object is hit by an incoming flow, a lift force (Magnus force) is generated perpendicular to that flow. A Baseball's curveball gets its flight path due to the Magnus effect."

Designed to be environmentally friendly,
it can be installed anywhere.

Bird Friendly

Birds can easily see the turbine so bird strikes are unlikely to occur.

People Friendly

Less likely to generate noise and cause a sense of fear.

Examples of the introduction of
Magnus Wind Turbines


Demonstration Experiment

Batan Island (Batanes Province, Philippines)

Operating with the cooperation of the Ministry of Environment of Japan, Batanes Provincial Government, local power company, etc.(from 2021)


Demonstration Experiment

Ishigaki City, Okinawa Prefecture

Currently in operation on Ishigaki Island (since 2018). We also concluded a disaster agreement with Ishigaki City.


*Example layout

  • Wind Turbine Type

    Vertical Axis Magnus Wind Turbine
  • Wind Turbine size

    Height 10m, diameter 6m
  • Rated output

  • Rated wind speed

  • Cut in wind speed

  • Cut out wind speed

  • Withstandable wind speed

  • Noise level

    ※Measured at a distance of 25 m from the wind turbine at a wind speed of 8 m/s.
Product specifications are subject to change without notice.